A module that creates visual representations of your organisation structure. You can visualise teams, departments, locations or entire organisations using the relationships already established in ichris.

A quick and easy edit function enables users to make and apply changes in real time. You can configure charts to display specific data fields and icons, and vary fields between different charts or different versions of the same chart, before exporting  to .pdf and .png. 

This module enables you to easily visualise, restructure and action your organisation structures.


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Organisation Charting Logo Frontier Software
Icon depicting a square, representing a page or similar, with a pencil laying diagonally atop it. Eraser is at top right and nib at bottom left.

Create, review, edit and delete charts online

Icon depicting index finger swiping to the left

Drag and drop to change reporting lines

Icon depicting a bust with a pencil hovering in front and to the right

Display custom data fields against incumbents

Icon depicting an index finger depressing a button

Update changes in ichris with one click

Icon depicting a clipboard with graphic image and lines of text

Easily maintain charts in dynamic environments

Icon of presenter in front of audience

Create charts with audience-specific data

Icon depicting a house, inside of which is a bust inside a circle. Circling the house are arrows heading in a clockwise direction

No need for third-party product integration

Icon depicting an id card hung across the chest of a person in shirt and tie

Quickly identify vacant positions

Icon depicting a question mark inside a circle

Complete 'what-if' views of structure